
Rest Day
Cave-in-Rock State Park, Illinois
0.0 miles - Friday - January 30, 1981 - Day 294

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Illinois map

Illinois route information
The Progression of HikaNation - Illinois
details the journey with various organizational
memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.
Unofficial Illinois campsites
Illinois campsite list

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List

Cave-in-Rock State Park Campground
(photo by Rex Halfpenny)

(photo by William Ewart)

Cave-in-Rock State Park Campground
(photo by William Ewart)

(photo by William Ewart)

(photo from William Ewart)

(photo by William Ewart)

(photo from Susan "Butch" Henley)

(photo by Rex Halfpenny)

(photo by Marce Guerrein)

(photo by Susan "Butch" Henley or Rex Halfpenny)

(photo by Rex Halfpenny)

(photo by Rex Halfpenny)

(Article from Bruce Ohlson's 2nd Scrapbook Album)

From William Ewart's journal:

Ham and beans tonite with great potato salad and cole slaw!! And a slide show inside the Cave-in-Rock:
slides of the outhouses, "ice stove", campground under construction, some Illinois scenery and history,
and a brief section of us crossing the Mississippi River.

(Article provided by the American Hiking Society.)

Sunset over the Ohio River ??
(photo by Susan "Butch" Henley or Rex Halfpenny)

From William Ewart's journal:

Snow stopped early this am - 4 to 5 inches on the flat areas, much deeper elsewhere. What fun!!

Proxied for Tim G at the committee meeting.

Finished off the choc chip cookies Mom sent this am. Waiting for the laundry run now at 1230pm.

Clear and cold tonight - frost on tent already.

January 30, 1981 (Today) January 31, 1981 (next day)
HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky Daily Campsite Index

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