Mike Collins' Collection of HikaNation Photos
Colorado - Kansas
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Slideshow of these photos.
The photographers include Mike Collins, Marce Guerrein,
Sharon Chrostowski, Rex Halfpenny and Susan "Butch" Henley.

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August 5th, 1980 to October 6th, 1980

Bruce Ohlson, Shellie Newell, Lyle Bialk, Mike Collins, "Butch" Henley
Leaving Utah & Entering Colorado - August 6, 1980

Mesa Verde side trip -- August 6 - 8, 1980
Arranged by Gudy Gaskill
Colorado HikaNation Coordinator

Mesa Verde National Park
August 7, 1980

Gudy Gaskill, Lyle Bialk, Mike Collins, Tish Butcher
Mesa Verde National Park - August 7, 1980

Mesa Verde National Park
August 7, 1980

HikaNation Car Repair Service

Somewhere along the Continental Divide
August 25 - September 3, 1980 (more or less)

John Olmsted Filming Hikers
The Knife Edge, Continental Divide
August 31, 1980  -  Access the video here

Helen Stout, Tim Geoghegan, ??,
John Mills, Ryan Bozis, Cindy Bain, Park Ranger
Great Sand Dunes National Monument
September 11 - 12, 1980

Great Sand Dunes National Monument
September 11 - 12, 1980

Shellie Newell

Toni Martinazzi & Pete McIntyre

Great Sand Dunes National Monument
September 11 - 12, 1980

Departing the Dunes
The trail led east from the Sand Dunes, through
the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, via Mosca Pass.
September 13, 1980

Approaching Walsenberg, Co. from the west,
the Spanish Peaks were to the south.
September 17, 1980

Sharon Chrostowski & Marika Matyus

No Hunting - Violators Prosecuted
No Water Doggers

Bruce Ohlson & Lyle Bialk

Apishipa Canyon
September 21 - 22, 1980

Koshare Indian Museum and Kiva
La Junta, Colorado
September 25, 1980

Marika Matyus & Marce Guerrein

Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
September 26, 1980

Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
September 26, 1980

John Stout making fire
Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
September 26, 1980

Heading to Kansas

October 6th, 1980 to November 8th, 1980

Mike Collins, Butch Henley, Bruce Ohlson, Lyle Bialk
Leaving Colorado & Entering Kansas
October 6, 1980

Possibly Lakin City Park
October 9, 1980

Possibly Lakin City Park
October 9, 1980

Garden City
October 11, 1980

Gomer Pyles, Jiamie Pyles (the kid), Gayle Raibow

Our camp was located in front of the main tourist attractions
of Dodge City: Front Street and Boot Hill.
October 15 - 16, 1980

Barry Rhodes, Cindy Bain, Tim Geoghegan
preparing to march in the
Dodge City Homecoming Parade.

Jiamie Pyles

Scott Davis leading the Homecoming Parade
October 16, 1980

Boot Hill, Dodge City - Saloon Entertainment

Stan Adamson
HikaNation Kansas Coordinator

Lyle Bialk, John Stout, Mike Collins, Bruce Ohlson
Lunch Break ? - October 17, 1980

"Coleman" breakfast using "The World's Largest Camp Stove"
Belle Plaine, Kansas - October 29, 1980.

Stacey Waring

Lyle Bialk

Bruce Ohlson

Butch Henley & The Condemned Bridge Crossing -
One of the more exciting things to traverse in Kansas
was this minor balancing act on exposed steel girders.
November 3, 1980

Flint Hills Cafe, Kansas

Marika Matyus

Ed Duschene

Linda Stoneman as "Monty"
Halloween, October 31, 1980

Phil Atkins as "The Scarecrow"
Halloween, October 31, 1980

Phil Atkins, Marce Guerrein,
Linda Stoneman, Janet Parsons, Jeannie Harmon
Halloween, October 31, 1980

Dixon's hay meadow/campsite
November 2, 1980

Bruce Ohlson & Butch Henley

William Ewart

Sharing Ice Cream
Bruce Ohlson, Stacey Waring, Phil Atkins,
Mike Collins, Butch Henley

Elk City Lake Trail, Kansas
November 5, 1980

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