
Rest Day
"The Place" Hostel in Damascus, Virginia
0.0 miles - Tuesday - March 17, 1981 - Day 340

Click on photos for larger versions.      Click on text links for additional content.

Virginia map

Virginia route information

The Progression of HikaNation - Virginia
details the journey with various organizational
memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.
Unofficial Virginia campsties

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List

A word about "The Place" and the dinner on the 17th

Clip above is from
HikaNation Virginia No. 6
from Reese Lukei, Jr.

"The Place", Damascus, Virginia
(photo by Tim Geoghegan)

(article from John Stout)
HikaNation A.T. Information

(article from Terry Ernst)
Checkpoints along the Appalachian Trail
(Monty to be at each place for 3 days)

Clip above is from
HikaNation Virginia No. 6
from Reese Lukei, Jr.
HikaNation A.T. Etiquette

(article from Terry Ernst)

Standing: Randy Blymire, Marika Matyus, peeking ??,
Doug Marshall, Terry Ernst, Al Schneider, John Cannon
Kneeling on the right: ??;
Sitting: Linda Stoneman, John Stout, Helen Stout ?,
Linda Hull, Al Frost
(article from John Stout )

From William Ewart's journal:

to add

March 16, 1981 (previous day) March 17, 1981 (Today) March 18, 1981 (next day)
HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation - Virginia Daily Campsite Index

E-mail HikaNation to submit additional photos and comments about this day